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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Last Thursday was an tired one. We had Bball[Basketball, if u dno] interclass against 403. E final result was a draw, dun really noe e score tho=P We started out playin at e court outside sch at e HDB thr...Haha i scored e 1st 2-pointer shot thr=P Actl abit tyco la. I was runnin in to e 'under basket' thr de, den when i close to thr, e ball 'appear' in front of me. I tink sm1 missed his shot. Hehe den i heng heng scored e point=D Den VP Lau came n say wad scared e resident thr complain..But aft sayin he let us go back sch play!=] How cool was tat=P Anw yea e match cont in sch. Shot aft shot, we missed n scored. One interesting incident was tat 403 tried to 'Thunder' e ball across e court. But e ball hit e ceiling of e court! HAHA=D den i tried to intercept it when it came down but it slipped my hand n went out. Sian, e wasted opportunity..=[ Yea den we went into overtime. 405 scored 2 points! But 403 followed suit. E match was den declared a draw..But i tink we did vry well! In our team, me n BUBU nvr played Bball for abt 3yrs..YW wasnt skilled in it too. Tj is e only skilled one wth KoK doin well. But we still drew wth 403. A great accomplishment for us!=D

One last bit i wanted to say. A great THX for our supporters!=P It's great playin e game wth ppl cheerin behind for u=D Supporters is always impt in any match! So thx for juz bein thr to cheer us on=D Hope u all will b thr agn on Tuesday for our nxt game. Heard we'll b rematchin wth 403. Nt sure tho. N aft our 'trainin' ytd, i more confident of our winnin chances. Hope we do well!=D

Joke: 一个半生熟的羊肉和一个三分熟的牛肉在路上碰面,为何不打招呼? Ans: 因为他们还不熟! Hahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaha...........

Caught a jellyfish at
8:50 PM

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Gosh. I slacken off frm postin agn=P Haha=P Now im back! [again]

There goes 1st week of sch..Wad a fast week=[ Let's review abit...
Nth much on e 1st three days, if i rmb=P Yea except for e postpone of interclass Bball lor. Bcoz of e NHHS's stupid ban on freeplay. Thx so much man. They have juz shut off e only fun we can have, away frm lessons. N y? All bcoz of SOCIAL DISTANCING?!?!?!?! Wad e heck of a reason is tat? E sch shld retink tis.
Anw, thurs is smth special=] It's BUBU's [Kelvin] 16th bdae!! Our little boy has grown up!=D Durin recess Darren played HAPPY BIRTHDAY by The Click Five on guitar and guess wad? E guitar is our present to BUBU! Wad a blessing=] To add on, we 'taupok' him! Tat's whr we piled up on him=P Haha=D Movin on, thr's no assembly tat day. Zm noticed e guitar by e back of e class when she asked abt BUBU's present. N she immediately called samuel play a song n yea he did it well. N guess wad? Im nxt! Gosh. I've cut my nails 4 e Bball interclass n nvr played guitar for ~3mth..n OMG, i embarrassed myself man. Haiz, so suay..Replayed twice b4 i can play e whole song...How i wish can dig a hole n hide man...
Nxt is fri. Main event is e fine dining course ba=P We went thr buy bus n e bus ride was fun! Me n TJ wrestled coz i wanted to snatch his hp. Haha no harm la Brother! For fun only la=] Anw we reached Cathay soon. Coach Xavier picked us up n lead us in. Man, we looke like pri sch kids on excursion! Haha. Yea den we gt paired up, 1guy n 1 girl. I gt paired 1st, wth WeiJia. Aft tat we went in n yea, fine dine=] Overall it was vry fun, doin all e fine dinin stuff. Haha esp e striking conversation thru out. It was fun seein BUBU tryin his best, sittin bside me=] He's qn r so funny=P Me n WeiJia was 'stealin laughs'=P Anw e whole thing was fun n e food's nt bad actl=D Great experience for me=D

Ending off, hope e ban can be lifted off soon. Damn those ppl who set it...

Joke: What is s most stinky nuts of all? Ans: PEE-nuts[Peanuts] Hahahahahaha.......

Caught a jellyfish at
10:22 PM

Friday, May 29, 2009

Haha yea i noe i've nt blogged for a long time. Now i'm back!!!

Being in 405 has been a wonderful two years for me [Hope it is for every1 else too=P]. Tgt as a class, we had achieved alot. On the top of the honour list is the Class Champion for Sports' Day! Wow, tat's a great achievement. Tho we scraped pass e others by a few points, who cares? We r still the CHAMPION!=D Great job to everybody. Runners: every1 of u contributed, more or less, n every bit counts:) Supporters: U all r vry impt, esp to e runners! U gave us e push to run fast fast:) Inn addition, we must all give ours hands to our 4x400m Girls. Tho they were last in position n lagging by a lap n more, they still finish the race! In the rain smr! Tat's smth u wun see everyday:) This is definitely our last n BEST Nan Hua Sports' Day ever!

Hmm PTC today...Sucks man. Mum was usin e chance to throw me into HELL man. Pls la if wan complain, dun treat me lik PRI SCH kid can? WAd "If he don't listen in class, 让他罚站la. 你可以打骂的"...TOOTs. Ok tho tat's nt e exact words but yea she said smth lidat..C'mon la, u tink tchers nowadays still do tat meh? OMG how outdated can my mum be..Dots. Haiz, how i hate PTC man. Unfilial i may be, but im really embarrassed by my mum man... Haiz, juz 4get abt it:\

Holidays update:
3rd-->Amaths remedial
4th-->Physics, SS n GeogT.T remedial
5th-->Amaths remedial
8th-->Amaths, Bio remedial

15th-->Pending India trip Outing
25th-->Pending Band Batch Outing
40508 outing?
20307 outing?

Lastly, WORK HARD guys, O lvl is our last hurdle. Juz gt over it lah...Give it ur one best shot! Coz u only have one shot...Haha=P

Joke: Why is a construction site smtimes known as a Bird Park?
Coz thr's alot of CRANES=D Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Caught a jellyfish at
10:13 PM

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

20307 had rematch with 20207...a great match in all:p final score was 3-2 with 202 winning...we've done our best though...203 main players were: Wei De[striker] Jian Jie[striker] Darren[central mid-field] De Cheng[left back] Joshua[central defender] Me[right back] and Wei Kong[Goalkeeper]... 202 scored by two corners and an attack...we scored by an attack and a wonderful lobe by decheng...he volleyed frm half field and e ball went via a high angle and into e goalpost with every1 stunned....i would say it's a best goal....though we lost, we've done our best and this is wad counts:) Go 20307!!!

Caught a jellyfish at
8:28 PM

Friday, August 1, 2008

My grp won the video competition, with e tittle, "Live It". my grp consist of me, darren, adwin,eddy and wai hoong...We went to Jurong Lake Park for e shooting...i mentioned it in e prev post...actually we nvr eva thot we would win as e quality is vry blur...we used Video Converter, turn out e whole clips bcame blurred. but surprisingly, very surprisingly, we stil won...we were DAMN shocked when our video's title was shown on the screen...adwin bend down and covered his face throughout e whole thing...damn MALU for him...e whole video is featuring him lor...haha...aft tat we made adwin went up to collect e prize...it's juz an envelope with a postcard inside. we stil hav to find MR Fonseka to claim the prize...anw we went to find him durin lunch break tat day and he SHOOed us away saying he haven prepare e prize...idiot... damn GL lah...we'll hav to wait then. it's a great day in all[and a lucky one too]

Caught a jellyfish at
10:17 PM

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Me Darren Adwin Wai Hoong and Eddy went to Jurong Lake Park to do our LIVE IT! eng proj. We went there for our outdoor shooting...Adwin played e role of "ah peh" which is vry easy for him...e rest of us are juz some boys tryin to help change ahpeh from e boring fisherman to a interesting young man...i drifted on a bike, darren did free-hand cycling and flying fox, waihoong did rock-climbing and eddy did rollerblading...we started off at 12pm and we had a great time!!!there are alot of NGs...including one when i slapped and darren kicked adwin coz he 4got his lines...and e other was when i was ferrying eddy and i misbalanced and had to sudden brake...eddy's camera KENA flunged out while shooting...it's a great day...:)

Caught a jellyfish at
9:04 PM

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

we had a soccer match today aft sch...305 VS 306+302...score is 6-3 and 305 won!!! Scoreline: 1-0, 1-1, 2-1, 3-1....half time....4-1, 4-2, 5-2, 6-2, 6-3....full time... players: Darren[striker], Kok Wee[central defender], You Wei[right wing], Adwin[left wing], Kelvin[left back], Me[right back] and TianJun[GK]....You Wei scored e opening goal then Darren scored e rest of e goals... it's a 7v7 match and it lasted for 60mins only...but we definitely gav it all we've got...

E match started well as You Wei soon scored e 1st goal....Abit of defending mistake cost us a goal...but soon Darren followed up by scoring 2 more goals, forcing them to regroup themselves... both teams attacked then counterattacked and soon it was half time...had a 15mins break... soon e 2nd half started...Darren scored a goal but we soon concede a goal...sian...but we took e goals back with Darren scoring 2 more goals...e match then soon ended with us conceding 1 nore goal but nonotheless, we still won with a score of 6-3...:)
I tink in all we did vry well...Kelvin's defending skills were awesome...Kok Wee did well in both defending and attacking...Adwin performed in midfield but he nid to think faster...You Wei is great in attacking and had gd teamwork with Darren who did extremely well as our striker and top scorer...I made a few blunders and caused a goal...but still did my best, though a bit slack coz for e whole match, there was no 'soccer spirit'....e whole match seemed vry sian... nonetheless, we all still had fun...it's a great match!!!

Caught a jellyfish at
10:02 PM

Me 大人 adwin and wh went to weikong's hse to pluck and eat rambutans:) it's a gd experience... nvr knew tat plucking would be so tough and fun too....we used a handmade tool and a 'tree cutter'...quite fun:) we had a great time...aft that we jammed and it turned out great...we managed to play thru 'A Lonely September' by Plain White Tee's...still gt room for improvement though....it's a great Youth Day!!!

Caught a jellyfish at
8:30 PM

Monday, July 7, 2008

Volunteered to do CIP on sat 5-7-08...it was a flag day actually...me and 大人 shared a tin...we went to buona vista mrt stn...initially wanted to go queensway but decided to stop over at buona vista mrt stn...we camped at e underpass exit...gd tactic leh:) adwin and wh went wth us but they camped at e mrt stn exit...oh we r so clever...we started off with 大人 collectin e donations....then we soon took shifts...i was vry 'shy' at 1st but ltr found out to be a great experience....nxt time i'll donate when i see sum1 doin flagday...i was tough especially when ppl juz ignore u...we ended e collection @ 12pm, ate lunch then head back sch...me and 大人 used up 3 pages of stickers...not bad leh...but donaa they all used up 4 pages and ended earlier then us...WTH!!!

aft e CIP 大人 they went home then went to e NDP preview...me huanyuan zoelyn and donna went to catch a movie at VIVO...we went to hav lunch @ subway b4 tat...it was newly opened and we cnt find it in any directories or e shop finder system...then we retraced our steps coz donna said she saw a poster...then we found it behind 'Candy Empire'...it's very new...anw, we had our lunch and e meal was great... we then went to e cinema and watched 'Hancock'.. it was damn nice...Will Smith is great!!! we then went home aft e great movie...it's a great day in all...

Caught a jellyfish at
10:02 PM

Sunday, July 6, 2008

recently addicted into spongebob, thus e new blog:) spongebob 4eva!!!

Caught a jellyfish at
8:21 PM


103'06 203'07 305'08 405'09 NanHuaRian

NHSB French Horn Player/ Physical Instructor

Classical Guitarist...

SilentPulse Guitarist


<bgsound src=" http://www.geocities.com/jadadalaspongebobclosing/ClosingTheme.mp3" loop=infinite>



+ 103 +
+ Aaron +
+ Donna +
+ Fion +
+ Hazel +
+ JasonHo +
+ Jia Yi +
+ Joan +
+ Jocelyn +
+ Joey +
+ Kelvin/ BuBu +
+ Kheng Yee +
+ Lynn +
+ Mayee Mun +
+ NHSB +
+ Nicole +
+ Rachel Tan +
+ Sandy +
+ Sherry +
+ Sis +
+ Vera +
+ Wan Ling +
+ Wei De +
+ Wei Jia +
+ Xiu Wen +
+ Ying Ying +
+ Zen +
+ Zhi Yun +
+ Zi Jing +

Loves and Likes



-Classical Guitar-




-Will Smith-


-Spongebob Squarepants!!!-


adopt your own virtual pet!


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